The Dale house

"It was a long, wet walk towards home as Olivia Dale quickly made it up the lane towards her house.
Right now, she mused, a cup of tea sounded good and the warm stove in her kitchen seemed appealing. She opened the door, flopped her folders on a nearby bench, hung up her coat and hat, a went into her bright green and yellow kitchen. Her kitchen was warm and large, maybe just a bit too big for a newly wed couple, sometimes, but it was cozy. The cabinets were green and yellow, and the wallpaper was a soft yellow with olive green flowers printed on it, making the kitchen a very nice place to work in. And of course, the dainty lace curtains finished the cozy and warm look. Olivia set the tea kettle on the blacked stove and walked over to her parlor. The deep red of  her velvety curtains looked so charming against the dark brown furniture, the trims, and the large, green hanging plants. A big fire place in the middle of the room had all types of various clocks and watches, ticking and donging away. Above them hung a large portrait of the Prince Edward Island wildflowers, painted long ago by her late sister, Ruth. It held her dear sister's personality and taste, somehow.
Olivia stared at her feet, as she had forgotten to take off her dirty shoes and now her large red rug on the floor was stained with dirt. Groaning inwardly, she took off her shoes. "That'll have to be scrubbed," she told herself, "later." she finished, hearing the tea kettle whistle. On socks, she returned to the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of tea. With tea cup in hand, Olivia made her way through the entrance hallway and up the stairs to the large bookcase, built into the staircase by her newly wed husband, Jasper. Setting her tea cup aside, she reached for the top shelf with a cloth and started dusting, all the way down to the lowest shelf, fifteen shelves later. She smiled to herself. "How can one man own so many diverse kinds of books?" she wondered. Picking up her teacup, Olivia sailed to the top of the stairs and into her bedroom. The room was cluttered with paper, clothes flung here and there, a messy desk, some type of pulley clock system that Jasper had invented lay on a table, but the bed was made, at least. Olivia closed the door and walked to her favorite room in the house, the little look out room, she called it. The room being a bright yellow, it was always warm and sunny, even on rainy days like these. Olivia had put a large round green rug in the middle of the room, and on top of it she put a soft, satin sofa, right in front of  her wide windows. It is easy to know why Olivia loved this small room so much, you could overlook some hills, a narrow dirt road, barns and bushes and see the ocean, with the waves crashing into rocks and dunes. In the summertime, Olivia would leave the windows open for the night, so that the salty, ocean smell would fill the house.
And, walking up the lane, Olivia saw her Jasper coming home from work, a happy sight for the newly wedded bride."