Friday, December 11, 2015

Skating in Avonlea

the Avonlea Avengers
by: "the Avonlea Chronicle"

In Avonlea, winter is always full of activities. Skating is a major part in the communities society. Ice skating is more for the women and young ladies, but ice hockey is always for the men and older boys. "There's major difference between ice skating and ice hockey." says Avonlea Avengers coach, Archie Gillis. Of course the men take it very seriously. Typical.

Felicity King on the King Pond
The whole community each year has a small country gathering called The Winter Festival. Children
await with anticipation for this upcoming event. Friends and neighbors go to the King Pond and take along delicious delicacies to share. (sort of like a potluck to us:) Music is cranked on and
everyone goes on for a skate, or whirl.

cousins Sara Stanley & Felicity King

When all the fun is over, the King children and Sara Stanley go for a nice, calm and relaxing skate over the frozen pond, an activity they enjoy after chores.
But, usually it's just Felicity King and her cousin Sara whirling on the ice, until the boys come over for their hockey try-outs, then the girls can sit back and enjoy a "hockey match".

Wally Higgins & Hetty King

Skating can also be a "life changing" experience, especially for Hetty King, who, almost got engaged, to, guess who, a skates sales man, named Wally Higgins. In the episode the calamitous courting of Hetty King, Hetty meets this skates salesman, and sparks fly as Wally and Hetty see each other. But, Hetty just considers him as a friend, and poor Mr. Higgins sees it the other way around, causing hilarious, but also, sort of sad, moments.

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