Wednesday, March 8, 2017

a winter story, part five

by: Olivia Dale
Felix knocked on the door, and Sara peered through the window.

"Mr. Pettibone assigned us a science project to do, including an experiment." Sara was telling her cousin Felix as they were walking towards Jasper Dale's workshop. "And we had to do it about either light, electricity, or heat."
Felix held on to a very big, but light box, and trudged after Sara.
"Yeah," he grumbled, "and all of those topics aren't easy, either."
"Well, we can pair up in teams. You an' me can be partners in science." Sara smiled to her cousin. "The only problem we have now is figuring out which topic."
Felix placed the huge box down knocked on the workshop's door. Sara peered through the window.
"Uncle Jasper?" she called. No answer. Felix knocked again on the door, much louder this time.
"Sara, Felix." a voice from behind them called. It was Olivia.
"Jasper's not here, he left for Carmody this morning." Olivia explained to the children. "Did you want to talk to him about something?" she asked them.
"Oh, no, Aunt Olivia," Felix piped up, "We just had to deliver this big package to him. We were just about to put it in his workshop."
"Oh, all right then." Olivia replied and headed back to the warmth of her house.
Sara and Felix made their way into the workshop with the large box.
"It's so light!" Sara chattered. "I wonder what's in it."
They put the box down and somehow, the flap fell open. Felix moved the flap off of the box and both children peered inside. Felix shrugged. "It's only straw." He said, stating the obvious.
But Sara was curious, she lifted the straw off of the contents and caught her breath.
Felix's eyes widened. "Light bulbs!" he shrieked. "In Avonlea!?"
"Just like the ones in Montreal!" Sara stared at Felix, her blue eyes sparkling.
Felix stared back, his smile widening. "You know what I'm thinking??" He asked his cousin.
"This will be the best science project of the year." she said, awed by the sheer excitement of it all.

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