Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Your First Job: Do's And Don'ts

by: Hetty King

                                                              When a child reaches a certain age, he might be looking for a job so that he can earn some of his own money to spend on whatever he pleases. That job may vary from odd chores here and there to a delivery service, or a bit of hotel work to babysitting. But whatever the job, here are a few important pointers that you should follow closely.

  1. When you are looking into a particular job, always consider whether or not you are able to handle it. For example, if a boy is 11 years old, he may not wish to work 8 hours a day at the local cannery. It would be better for him to work some shifts at the general store or pick apples in the fall.
  2. If you will be working for a boss, never mention your pay at an interview; it looks very rude. Dress properly for the interview; it could be that he may not want to hire you if you arrive in your dirty coveralls and fishing boots. Be honest; a liar never progresses in life. 
  3. When around your co-workers, please don't argue with them. Yes, they may be difficult to get along with, but you, being raised a good child, should know better than to start fights.
  4. And don't ever get into a quarrel with your boss; always honor and obey him. If not, it could cost you your job.
  5. Always do your best!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! :) I'm glad you liked it. There will be some other posts coming up, so stay tuned!
      Thanks for commenting- I love it when people do!
